The path to conversion is no longer a straight line. Reaching the audience and influencing them is no longer a one-and-done methodology. Video, the most actively consumed advertising content type, has emerged as the champion of consumption options for consumers. But marketers must know how to place that material effectively to maximize results.

Placing Video

Age, gender and income are a great start when placing any advertisements digitally. But video isn’t a static ad, and we aren’t talking about a simple static impression. You want to reach and influence the thinking of your audience, even if they aren’t ready to buy.

Search Remessaging

Your audience is searching for topics relevant to your product line. Are you watching that search behavior and serving video based on their online search activity?

MidStream Videos

You can force a view of your content using the most annoying tactic, mid-stream video. But you might select in-app as well—a less intrusive placement, these are often shorter (:06 or :15) content that is unskippable, and reportedly less obnoxious to consumers.

Purchase History

If you leased a car 32 months ago, you’re looking for a new vehicle. If you just signed a mortgage, you’re primed for a home equity line of credit. Both are simply tracked, and the audience and messaging results can be staggering.

These simple placement tactics for your video can make all the difference. Anyone with a smartphone can see a product in their feed, and immediately move to the research phase of the purchase. Product videos on YouTube are cited by 90% of consumers as influential, with more than half describing that online video has helped them decide between brands (Think With Google).


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